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Where did Saturday go?

January 10, 2009

I had big plans for today. They all vanished. I started out by running a few errands so that I could do a bunch of stuff around the house – things like hanging some blinds, sewing some curtains, sewing some gifts, cleaning, resting. Whatever. Didn’t happen.

I don’t regret my morning, however. I went up to pick up some fabric I’d left at my daughter’s and spent some time playing with my grandsons. They are so cute, but Evan just will. not. walk. Darn it. Silly boy. He jumps, dances, stands, crawls, but won’t walk. The minute you drop his hands, he drops his butt to the floor. He’s so stinking cute though. And Cayden loves to climb all over me. How cool that I can handle that, you know?

I left there to go buy my new running shoes and I’m glad I tried them on again. They actually were a bit small and the store didn’t have the next half size larger. So I’m at square one when it comes to shoes. So, then I went to Target and figured I’d use the rest of my gift card and get some good exercise pants that wick away the sweat and keep you warm and dry. I must have spent two hours there trying on stuff.

Let me say this. It doesn’t matter yet how much weight I’ve lost, I still have those fat girl glasses on sometimes. I am not yet ready to wear skin tight pants outside. It’s not that they didn’t fit – they did. They probably looked fine too. But my distorted view of my body said, um, no, not yet. At the same time, my only pair of jeans keep falling down when I walk because they’re too big. What’s a girl to do?

And I had planned to walk/run again today. Now it’s raining, so that’s out of the picture. Well, I suppose I could use an umbrella, but I am tired.

So there you have it. I’ll blog more later when I have something more worthwhile to say. 😉

  1. January 10, 2009 5:51 pm

    Congrats on your weight loss! It’s always really cool to have nice workout gear and actually wear it to exercise.

    Hi unemployed dad! Thanks for visiting my site. You’re right – the trick is to wear the clothes to actually exercise in. But I bet when I hit goal, I’ll look cute just modeling them. LOL. I also checked out your site. Too funny. Do you do your own artwork?

  2. Debkb permalink
    January 10, 2009 8:48 pm

    Congratulations on the weight loss so far.

    I don’t comment often but you comment about the “fat girl glasses” brought me out of lurking. About 6 years ago I lost 65-70lbs. and I, like you, at times had pants that were literally falling off. Friends and co-workers were constantly commenting on my weight loss and sometimes not in a good way, because I had actually lost too much weight. Health issues that weren’t picked up quickly enough, all good now though. Anyway, the reason I told you this is because it took me a looooong time to loose my fat girl glasses, even though I was wearing a size 2!

    One suggestion I can offer is to take numerous pics now and compare them to old pics, that’s what finally made my glasses go away and put a few pounds back on because I had gotten too skinny.

    Deb – thank you for coming out of lurkdom. I really appreciate your comment. People notice the change in me a lot. I can see it in pictures, but sometimes I feel as if my 50+ loss is really nothing. I know that will eventually go away. I have been planning to add a page to my blog about my weight loss journey with pictures – mostly for me so I can see that progress – but also hoping it will inspire others as well. I hope keep coming back to comment!

  3. January 11, 2009 7:55 am

    definitely treat yourself to some nice workout wear. it is more enticing to get out there if you feel good about how you look.

    Mermaids – that’s exactly it – enticing. To have the right shoes and clothes and feel great when you are out running/walking really encourages you to keep doing it. Plus I also believe that the right gear makes it actually easier to workout so you can go farther and do more.

  4. January 11, 2009 8:37 am

    Ok, your daughter feels guilty! I will go with you next time, so someone can give you positive feedback!

    No need for you to feel guilty, sweetie. I’m going to check out REI and other sports stores too. I’m sure I’ll find just the right stuff.

  5. January 11, 2009 9:57 am

    I do! Thank you for your kind words!

  6. January 11, 2009 10:05 am

    Well, Michael, I have subscribed to your blog. I think it’s funny! And your artwork is really good.

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